Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

5.3 Building Collaborative Relationships with Families Asking Questions and Wondering

5.3 Building

Q 1. Take a few moments and think about a time when you made a judgment about a parent. Write down the judgment you made. 2. Brainstorm at least three questions that you might have asked yourself before making this judgment. 3. Brainstorm at least three questions that you might have asked the parent before making this judgment.

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When I had been working in my previous workplace, I had made a judgment about a parent regarding the aspect that the parent used to neglect the child and not take care of the child as the parent should have. Though the parent had been a working parent, there had been time in the evening to sit with the child and spend time to teach the child or converse with the child. However, the parent used to spend time during the evening to decrease the stress levels of the parent.